Y ha establecido buenas relaciones comerciales con muchos fabricantes y agentes famosos de circuitos integrados.
Acoger congregaciones en negociaciones comerciales, beneficio mutuo y desarrollo común.
Y módulos de potencia, IC, IGBT, IPM, diodo de puente de rectificación de silicio controlable PIM, que incluyen comunicación, semiconductores, instrumentación, aeroespacial, computadora y productos circundantes, electrónica de consumo, etc.
Sourcengine has high-quality microprocessors available for immediate delivery.
Daimler executives predict the global chip shortage will continue affecting the corporation's manufacturing and sales through 2022.
China’s energy crisis has had a negative impact on firms that maintain component factories and chip packaging facilities in the region.
America and China’s semiconductor industry associations have agreed to create a bilateral chip sector working group to explore issues of the supply chain.
Is an e-commerce platform the future of electronic components procurement? It would seem so in the "new normal." Learn how to get started.
Reshoring means building manufacturing plants locally, rather than overseas. As more component companies do this, how will it change supply and demand?